Hello Function Builders
This is an introductory post to functionBuilders. I will dive deeper into functionBuilders in another post
Ever wondered how SwiftUI syntax works
let view = VStack {
This is powered by a new Swit Evolution Proposal SE-0289 called Function Builders
And it is available for us since Swift 5.1
Function Builders are essentially syntax sugar, that let a programmer write DSL like code.
Here, I want to demonstrate how to create a simple Function Builder. So you can get your head around, instead of reading through the lengthy and bit hard to chew proposal.
We will create a SentenceBuilder. Which as you can imagine, a functionBuilder that creates a sentence out of a set of words.
struct SentenceBuilder {
static func buildBlock(_ items: String...) -> String {
var myString = ""
items.forEach { myString.append(" \($0)") }
return myString
Consider SentenceBuilder as a closure/type. Now you need a function that make use of SentenceBuilder.
func Sentence(@SentenceBuilder _ content: () -> String) -> String {
return content()
Now you have your own SwiftUI like syntax. That takes in words and gives back a sentence
let mySentence = Sentence {
This post intends only to be a starter material to demo how functionBuilders work. I will do a deep dive into these in a later post.